WordPress: Hooks, Actions And Filters. A Tutorial On Using Them In WordPress

WordPress: Hooks, Actions And Filters. A Tutorial On Using Them In WordPress

Actions and filters are WordPress ways of introducing your custom code to your blog.
Actions are used to introduce HTML code, for example, to add an input field, meta tag or images at some point in the output of web page.
Filters are used to modify existing content like titles , content supplied by WordPress. For example if you want to add your blog name to your title of the page, you can do it using filter.


11 Replies to “WordPress: Hooks, Actions And Filters. A Tutorial On Using Them In WordPress”

  1. Good Tutorial, but the video quality is very bad, so I vote down, to improve that

  2. Good job man 🙂
    Can i know you email or skypeID, I need to ask some suggestions ?

  3. add_filter example only worked with your theme, I don’t really get why. I have tried it twenty sixteen – no luck

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