WordPress Tutorial For Beginners 2015

WordPress Tutorial For Beginners 2015

Learn how to make a WordPress website!


13 Replies to “WordPress Tutorial For Beginners 2015”

  1. have you got a bit of a more up to date video? i feel this is outdated? i could be wrong i dont know.

  2. Thank you I live in China and we export PVc to south america after our website labodegachina e are trying to use wordpress for the past 5 years now with your video it seems very easy, we have not clue we have spent a lot of money with monkey guys from india, argentina and more, we are so frustrated that finally we decided to go by our own, with your video it seems very easy. Thank you so much and it os more than a like. Besides what program do you use for your videos ? We loved it !

  3. This is amazing video for learn WordPress, in case you need help to design your website you can contact me on my personal number: +1(469)209-9549 i will happy to help you.

  4. All these videos are just explaining how you have to pay for using a host instead of how to use WordPress. Now who is going to give a quick walkthrough for just WordPress, without using hosting?

  5. I set the blog but I can not find where i can have people ask question or where i can post any thing. Could you please help me. I am starting a support blog for free

  6. There is next to no useful information in this video. It’s as if some idiot that doesn’t understand the first thing about the web technologies figured out how to buy a domain and use wordpress, and got so excited, he decided to give a superficial explanation of the features of the tool in this video.

  7. Unlike some of the other posters, I was struck by your introduction by the breadth of information you provide surrounding WordPress. Very good for a noob like me. Thank you!

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