WordPress Tutorial: How To Use FileZilla FTP Client With Your WordPress Blog

WordPress Tutorial: How To Use FileZilla FTP Client With Your WordPress Blog

In this WordPress Tutorial, I teach you How to Use FileZilla FTP Client with your WordPress Blog to upload, download and save and backup files. I have another video only on my Blog JupiterJimsMarketingTeam that shows you how to Download and Install FileZill FTP program or client onto your computer whether it’s a PC or Mac computer. Knowing how to use this program is especially helpful if you are using the Thesis Theme for WordPress although this will work with any theme at all.


11 Replies to “WordPress Tutorial: How To Use FileZilla FTP Client With Your WordPress Blog”

  1. Very helpful. I have a brand-new understanding of wordpress and ftp’s, and this was an immeasurable leap.

  2. thanks for the video- i’m so new at this… for the host name, do I enter in the name of my site that you wanted to visit, like ‘www.youtube.com’ for example, or the name of the company that hosts, like godaddy.com for example?! ach! thanks for the help.

  3. Thank you so much for this tutorial. I found it very helpful. Just one thing that had me stumped momentarily was the Username. I was just entering the the ‘username’ I chose when creating the ftp account but discovered I needed to enter the entire address, for example username@youhadmestumped.co.uk

  4. Yea right , I never got to use FileZilla .Spent a minute downloading & installing then spent 2 hours getting rid of all the rubbish/crap that came with it . NOT GOOD !

  5. if you dont have a domain name and you have a wordpress blog what do you put a host? wordpress.com and after the username and password that you are signed up in wordpress? help plz

  6. @1m55s: “…just call up customer service…” That is wonderful advice. Thank you.

  7. Each time i delete something from server through FTP it keep reupload the file to the server. How to tell the FTP to only do one way of action like once it delete no need to keep reupload the original file unless i say so or manually doing it?

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