WordPress Plugin Development Tutorial 3 – Action Hook Example,add Tags When Publishing A Post

WordPress Plugin Development Tutorial 3 – Action Hook Example,add Tags When Publishing A Post

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14 Replies to “WordPress Plugin Development Tutorial 3 – Action Hook Example,add Tags When Publishing A Post”

  1. hey George please provide more video on WordPress, your teaching style is quite impressive

  2. Great job George. I’ve watched over one thousand tutorials. Love the simplicity and explanation. Bravo

  3. Nice tutorial, thanks for it.
    Good that you broke it into 3 parts, because I subscribed your channel on the 2nd part.
    Keep going bro !!

  4. Thank you!  Your video of an action hook example cut right to what I needed to help me understand how WP action hooks can be used. I’m glad I found it!

  5. Hey.
    Really nice tutorials, I have one question if you don’t mind.
    Is that a plugin for Sublime that you are using for auto-complete the WP specific functions?

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