WordPress NextGen Gallery Plugin Tutorial

WordPress NextGen Gallery Plugin Tutorial

General overview on how to use the WordPress NextGen Gallery plugin.


9 Replies to “WordPress NextGen Gallery Plugin Tutorial”

  1. Thank you for uploading this. I am having an issue with adding the gallery to an existing page using Nextgen (in your video, it’s around 6:16 minutes in). I am able to click the nextgen icon and it opens the box asking me what gallery I’d like to select. When I use the drop down, though, I can’t select any of my galleries! i.e. when I try to hover my mouse over the drop down menu choices, the choices disappear! Any idea what is going on would be greatly appreciated. Thanks in advance!

  2. Hi Emily, I would first make certain that you have the most up-to-date version of WordPress and the latest version of NextGen Gallery. Sounds like a strange issue.

  3. is there a way to list all the gallery in one page. Like it displays all thumbnail image and when you click one thumnail, it leads to a page with all the photos about that galley… just like facebook. tnx

  4. I am an expert in wordpress and I just recorded some video tutorials for wordpress users. WordPress experts say that it’s the most complete wordpress video series ever. go to my channel and find a link I have posted for this training

  5. can the image list option be paginated ? if not can you recommend some gallery that can do that? thanks

  6. I think you can manage pagination options by going to the Gallery –> Options –> Gallery Tab. See the ‘Number of images per page’ field; enter ‘0’ to disable pagination, otherwise any number greater than zero should enable pagination. Does it not it your case?

  7. I was able to upload images no problem into my various galleries. Now, when I upload images, it says successful. However,when I go to manage galleries, the image that was uploaded “shows up” but the image itself does not. When I click on “meta data” it is empty. Error message says “The requested URL /wp-content/gallery/silver-earrings/jade-cluster.jpg was not found on this server.”. Help! It has been happening with many images.

  8. Good audio description. The screen was a little difficult to see. May I suggest zooming in on the area of the screen being discussed. Thanks for your help.

  9. It sounds like it might be a plugin conflict. Try disabling all other plugins temporarily and seeing if that helps. Of course, make sure that you have the most recent version of the Next Gen plugin as well. Let me know if that helps you narrow it down.

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