Filezilla And WordPress Tutorial

Filezilla And WordPress Tutorial

A video tutorial on how to use the FTP Client, Filezilla, to upload files into your WordPress directories.


7 Replies to “Filezilla And WordPress Tutorial”

  1. see the problem with your tutorial is…
    You really dont show shit.
    people are trying to figure out how to connect filezilla to word press in the first place
    Skip steps 1-4…great tut!

  2. @michaelhernsin well if I don’t show shit be my guest to create a video that does. It’s not my problem, I can work it just fine.

  3. Do you need your own domain or can this work with blogname. wordpress. com? Because I did everything this video shows and every other video on this subject but I keep getting error messages such as … Disconnected: No supported authentication methods available

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